Sunday 19 May 2013

Stage 5 Final Design Sign off and Working Drawings

Working Drawings and Final Renderings.

After going back to the drawing board i was able to figure out a way to properly work out the construction of this product idea. With assistance from the work shop staff, and some of the class teachers suggestions i was able to work out the best way of constructing the first prototype. One of the main this i had to tackel was how to attach the timber slats along the frame while having all parts: slats and frame finished nicely. The process inwhich this will be constructed is each timber slat will have two slots on it. with a pin hole on the side to sit a screw or metal pin to hold it into place.

 Exploded View Working Drawings

Stage 4 Material Experimentation.

Aluminium Frame made of two parts joined at a mid section. Aluminium tubing is very easy to shape into the desired shape. The only difficult problem to be tackeled is Aluminium welding which proves to be a time costly and difficult endevor. However still is possible.

Aluminium rod is very light weight however in large amounts can be very weighty, i may have to reconsider how much material i put into this stool idea.

Steel tubing and rods are easily tube bent into any shape that is requires, within material maximum tensile strength.

Stage 3 Design Review

Preferred Concept.

Possible Variation Concept.

For this part of the project i came up with two possible variations of designs i could go further with. Both made from an aluminium frame, however one difference is the seating plane in which users sit on. my preffered option is one made of many individual wires of aluminium to create a seating plane. where as the other option is timber slats spread over the top cross bars of aluminium.

The side elevation proves that the design is possible and the bends in the aluminium frame is possible to construct with metal tube benders.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Model Making

The modelling process was actually extremely beneficial for my project. Through the modelling process i conducted i was able to see how much wire or fabric would sag with out proper tensioning. i also used  a timber material to demonstraight how the frame could be made from a metal material, and wether or not could be bent into the desired shape. next thing to decide is what metal shall i use that will not only be strong enough but light enough as well.

Further Development

Here i took my concept 4 design, and decided to explore different materials and shapes the product could be made. from this developing stage i was able to decide and work out that a light weight metal frame will be needed, with a possible top plane to sit on.

Concept design 4

After going back to the drawing board and looking at one of my initial designs, i came up with an alternative design different to my first three concepts that were a tad too difficult and or heavy looking to construct. this is my concept 4 selection and i will be taking this one further.