Monday 3 June 2013

Stage 6: Prototyping: Part 4

Finally it was time to paint and clear the frame. with both the timber slats and the frame all primed up and as many imperfections as possible filled up, i began to spray paint. My father is a automotive refinisher and airbrush artist and was able assist me in mixing paints and painting this product. 

For the frame i decided to go with a very nice Voodoo Blue to paint the frame. Once the frame was finished with 5 coats of Voodoo. I cleared it with a 4:1 mixture of speed clear, to give a nice finished glossy look. 

The same technique was used in painting the timber slats. Though instead of using a pre-made paint, i wanted a create a mix between black and silver to get a nice dark silver effect on the timber slats to contrast the aluminium frame.

Again once both products were painted over multiple times with 4 or 5 coats of metallic paint. I cleared them both and left them to dry, before joining the final parts together.

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